Sunday, January 29, 2012

Success to Significance

The past four years of my life had an emphasis on success. I had a fear that I may struggle to find a position in the marketing field due to the current economic state. I was determined to do everything in my power to be successful. Everything I did was focused on my performance in order to create the perfect resume. I felt this deep need to prove myself.

My church started a new series this month called Identity Theft and it has really been an eye opener for me. One thing that has touched me these past few weeks is that my identity is determined by God's love and not by my performance. I sometimes lose sight of the fact that God loves us before we have anything figured out and that His love never diminishes. My dreams seem so far away right now and I find comfort knowing that I don't have to figure everything out. I have faith that through Him I will find my way.

Moving forward I must learn that life is not based upon success alone, but rather the significance of relationships. I believe that one of the most important things in life is finding a way to incorporate success and significance daily.

"One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers-Simon, also called Peter and Andrew-throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, 'Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!' And they left their nets at once and followed him." ~Matthew 4:18-20

Let me simply say...shifting priorities.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My 7 Highly Effective Habits

1. I am insanely terrified of bees.
I have never been stung before, but the second a bee is within a yard I run and scream like a three year old little girl. Unfortunately, one of my favorite things to do in "bee season" is swim and layout by the pool - Most people need a lifeguard, but I require a "bee guard" (someone who is constantly on the lookout for approaching bees).

2. I take shots of queso.
I could probably say with great confidence that queso is my absolute favorite food - Italian of course would follow as a close second. In the rare occasion that I would actually pick a restaurant, that decision would be based solely upon the ranking I have placed upon their queso. My best friend and I eat out frequently and he always laughs and says, "Gez Lauren, skip the chips and just drink it already." I just might have to try that sometime.

3. I always Eat Pray Love.
This is odd but I must admit that my all time favorite move is Eat Pray Love...I'm sorta obsessed. My family has learned to never let me pick out a movie because I always want to watch Eat Pray Love. The movie is a combination of all my favorite, culture, religion, friendship and love. Nothing beats cuddling up with my horned frog pillow pet, a glass of wine and some Eat Pray Love.

4. I am addicted to shopping.
Shopping is like a game to me. When I shop I am a woman on a mission and my wardrobe is like a collection. I love finding the perfect match to an item I bought a couple months back. One positive thing about my shopping addiction is that I am a huge sale shopper. I rarely ever buy anything that is not on sale...unless of course the item is literally one of a kind. I don't consider my week complete unless I buy a new pair of shoes.

5. I like to eat other peoples' dinner. 
My ideal dinner is an appetizer sampler and I honestly think the best strategy for eating out is to take a bite of everyones' food. The truth is maybe I just don't know how to order or I am completely indecisive, but seriously everyones' food always looks and tastes better than mine. However, it may be an Italian or Secchio trait because I am definitely not the only person in my family that does this.

6. I secretly want to be an Interior Designer.
As a teenager I would spend countless summer hours watching design shows and I would redesign my room each year. There is nothing better than recreating your space with a fresh and new look. I used to love helping people design their home when I worked at Pier 1 Imports. It was a great job, minus the fact that a majority of my paycheck never actually made it to the bank.

7. I want to be the next Bachelorette.
I have watched every season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I must say I have received some great dating advice (what not to do 101) from all the crazy people that embarrass themselves on National TV. I don't believe that people actually fall in love on the Bachelor, but it would be a pretty awesome social experiment to be a part of. And dating 25 guys at one time...what girl wouldn't want that?

Let me simply say...I'm a bit quirky.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Girl's Best Friend

This week I had to say goodbye to one of the best dogs I have ever had. Growing up I always had a dog, but I was never really attached to any of them like I was to Cole.
One of our last pictures together 12/25/11

Six years ago my Mom and I were at the carwash and in the lobby there were two little schnauzer puppies. As we waited for our car we played with the two pups and to our surprise learned that the owner was trying to find a home for them. We had no intention of getting another dog, but it was one of those moments in life when you know you were brought together by fate. My Mom and I knew immediately that Cole would be the perfect addition to our family. Right before I picked him up for the first time he peed all over the floor and that is one of the things that got him his name...we knew he would be a little spit fire and he was black like coal.

Cole immediately became a huge part of our family. He was so bright and took hardly no time at all to train. He followed us around the house everywhere we went, ran to greet us when we came home each evening, and best of all at dinner he would lay his head on our laps and grunt like a pig as he begged for us to share our dinner. The running joke in our family is we should have called him Wilber because he looked and sounded like a potbelly pig.

He was quite the character. He absolutely hated the doorbell and splashing in the pool. His favorite foods were popcorn and fruit loops. He loved this stuffed animal dog I got him named Ikey. Ikey was half the size of Cole and he would carry him around everywhere. At one point in time Ikey even lost his head and we had to sew it back on. Cole was a spunky little guy and would always alert us when someone was outside our house. He was also a great judge of character. He knew best and let us know when he wasn't particularly fond of one of our boyfriends, friends or visitors. Lastly, we think he was partial cat...he loved attention and when you pet him he purred.

My favorite memory of Cole is the way he would cock his head to the right and perk up his ears when I said his name. I believe there is a place for dogs like Cole in heaven. He brought so much joy and unconditional love to our family. I was truly blessed to have Cole in my life. He taught me so many things and I will cherish the memories we had together forever.

Let me simply say...Cole will be greatly missed.

In memory of all the loved and lost dogs in my life. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I am a Dreamer.

One of my favorite pictures I took in the park
Growing up as a kid I spent a majority of my time outdoors. I loved to climb trees, make forts, spin around on a tire swing until I fell over and figure out just how many different ways I could climb up a slide. Although I am not as daring as I used to be, I still love to spend my time outdoors instead of playing video games or watching TV.

There are so many beautiful things in this world that we take for granted everyday and something about spending time outdoors helps me appreciate the things I often forget about in my day-to-day life. When I am outdoors I feel completely disconnected from the world, receive peace of mind and feel closer to God than I do in church.

I hope one day I have this little house that is surrounded by trees and near a lake. The house would have this huge wrap around porch with a swing and comfy seating. There would also be a reading room off the back of the house. The room would basically be nothing but windows and all of my books. This would be a place I could go to reflect, think, write and read.

I think my biggest fear in life is that I am not doing what I am called to do. Don't get me wrong I have huge career goals and I enjoy what I do. But I often ask myself how am I serving God each and every day throughout my life? Society requires a lot and sometimes I wonder am I doing what I have to do or what I am supposed to do?

When I was young I had all these plans for my life and I wanted to experience so many things. Now that I am grown up, I keep asking myself when will I do all of these things I have dreamt about for years, the things that God is calling me to do. Time goes by so fast and the answer I keep receiving is the time to start is now.

Let me simply say...I am a dreamer.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Foot of Knowledge on 12

In honor of 2012, here are a few interesting and random facts about the number 12:

1. The number twelve is attached with beliefs of mystery and authority.

2. Time is measured in two groups of twelve hours. While 12 noon is the descent of the Sun, 12 midnight is the ascent marketing the turn of events as well.

3. The significance of the number 12 in the Bible is reflected by the twelve Apostles, twelve fruits of the Spirit, twelve tribes of Israel and twelve gates.

4. There are 12 days of Christmas.

5. The number 12 is found 189 times total in the Bible.

6. Number 12 signifies governmental perfection. A jury is usually made of 12 jurors.

7. There are 12 months in a year.

8. The number 12 is the perfect number, the result of  4 (corners of the horizon) x 3 (Trinity)

9. Twelve people have walked on the Earth's moon.

10. In astrology there are 12 signs in the Zodiac representing basic personality types of characteristic models of expression.

11. There are 12 pairs of ribs in the human body.

12. There are 12 dialing keys on a telephone including 0 and hash.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Year at a Glance to New Beginnings

This blog was originally started for a class project which I neglected immediately upon completion of the course. However, it's a new year and along with that brings new beginnings, so why not start blogging again? We'll see how long it lasts...

Before I make my new 2012 goals, I want to reflect upon my accomplishments in 2011.

First and foremost, I graduated from college. I somehow managed to finish my degree in four years despite transferring, major changes and countless hours in my advisor's office. Its crazy looking back because it seems like I just graduated from high school yesterday, at that time 2011 felt like light years away. Little did I know at the time that those four years would be the best and quickest years of my life. To say the least, graduation day was bitter sweet.

I am now an employed college graduate working in the real world. How did I become a grown up so fast? Somedays I wish I could step inside the Delorean and take a trip back to the days of playing in the sand box. However, I am truly blessed and thankful for all of the amazing things that happened in my life in 2011. Two months after graduation I found my dream job as an Account Manager at Ilfusion, a creative marketing firm. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing team that brings joy to my life every day. People always say, "Find a job you're passionate about and you will never work a day in your life."

Culture intrigues me and I have always had the desire to travel more. In general, just to see unique places and experience new things. Growing up most of my family vacations consisted of trips to the beach, either Florida or cruises. Don't get me wrong, those trips were awesome, but there is so much more in this world to see besides the beach. So this year I took my first business trip to California and then took a trip to Chicago to see my best friend from college. Both places I have never been before and I had a blast. Chicago was a bit too cold for me, but I could definitely see myself living in California in the future.

As for 2012, I have no idea what this year will bring...I guess that's the beauty of life. It is such a relief to know that God has a plan for my life because I am completely clueless. Without further ado, here are my goals for 2012:

1. Learn how to cook amazing food - I believe a cooking class is next on my todo list.
2. Read more - Reading is a passion of mine but during school I just didn't have the time.
3. Get my own place - Still living with my parents to save money and pay off school loans but at some point you have to leave the nest and spread your wings.
4. Write more - Hence revisiting my neglected blog. I love writing and so glad I no longer have to spend my time writing research papers.
5. Volunteer - There is nothing more rewarding than giving back to the community. One of the many things I miss about college is my involvement in community service.

That's all I have got for now. Most importantly and above all else I hope to continue to strengthen my relationship with God, family and friends, love unconditionally and serve the world.

Let me simply say... I am excited about what is to come!